Thanks for joining us for the 2023 66th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology and 73rd Reciprocal Meat Conference ! If you have already registered please navigate to the meeting webpage by clicking here to browse the sessions and join the meetings. If you have not registered for the meeting there is still time click here to register and we will send your meeting login details shortly after your payment has been processed.
Registration fees will increase after July 27, 2023. Late registration costs are as follows:
- 站长工具 - 站长之家:站长工具是站长的必备工具。经常上站长工具可伍了解SEO数据变化。还可伍检测网站死链接、蜘蛛访问、HTML格式检测、网站速度测试、友情链接检查、网站域名IP查询、PR、权重查询、alexa、whois查询 …
- $125 USD – Student late registration (after July 27, 2023)
- $ 0 USD – AMSA Emeritus Members (after July 27, 2023)
Registration for the virtual meeting will include access to the live events and all the posted recorded material from August 3, 2023 until December 31, 2023. Only registered attendees will be able to access the proceedings after the meeting for the remainder of 2023.
Please contact Morgan Pfeiffer via email at mpfeiffer@meatscience.org or via phone at 217-689-2440 for questions regarding your current registrations.